John Lasseter
Welcome internet traveler to my home page. I
was born in Miami, Florida where I spent my early years swimming, biking & just enjoying the great weather.
My mom & dad worked in the family plumbing business which left me as a kind of latch key kid. I'd walk home from school & hit the pool to swim. In those days it was just fun to
feel like a fish for hours on end! Little did I know that, to some, it was called "working out", oh well, it just felt great!
The water was always an important part
of my life & when I was around 15 surfing became my favorite sport / pastime. While I was in college my career with the Miami Beach Patrol (lifeguards) began.
I retired as the Beach Patrol Captain & ran
away with my wife from Miami on our boat ( 40' Schucker ). We lived aboard for three years & it was a great experience. Boat people are so friendly, interesting & helpful!!
Then began a new career as a Florida / National licensed massage therapist. It was extremely rewarding to have given the gift of touch & healing to over 1000 individuals. Working in Melbourne, Fl at the Professional Massage Center was a wonderful experience.
Last year I returned from my "Surfer's Dream" as I had relocated to Hawaii. I spent 8 months in paradise but came back to the state I call home-- Florida. Lots more room & good vibes here!
I'll recharge both my energies & my friendships in Melbourne for a while as I plan the next step in this adventure called life. Stay tuned!!!!
Melbourne Surf Page Hawaii Page
RC Sailboat Terragen Page (graphics)
Contact me at
Updated 9/15/02